The Hajj is an annual Islamic Obligation to each adult person pilgrimage to Mecca, the most holy city of the Universal Muslims, and a mandatory religious duty for all Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey, and can support their family during their absence. It is one of the five pillars of Islam, alongside Shahadah (witness), Salath (prayers), Zakath (charity), and Saum (fasting). The Hajj is the largest annual gathering of people through out the World. The state of being physically and financially capable of performing the Hajj is called istitaah, and a Muslim who fulfils this condition is called a mustati. The Hajj is a demonstration of the solidarity of the Muslim people, and their submission to ALLAH ALONE. The word Hajj means to intend a journey, which connotes both the outward act of a journey and the inward act of intentions.
Umrah is also an important act of worship, we have to sincerely understand how important it is for the all prospective pilgrims to find the right kind of Guidance and support performing Umrah. Halal Tourism India is honest and straight forward in Providing Hajj & Umrah Services. We always committed to ours elf doing our level best to cater services as an Ajar (reward) cum Benefits, specially we recommend the packages that best suits your capabilities and requirements to provide accurate services to the satisfaction. We place great emphasis on these points and after several memorable and successful Umrah trips; we can honestly say that you will always be connected to us with a friendly and helpful service, reflecting a high degree of professionalism and may referred to others for our best services not only for the hajj and umrah but also India Tourism exclusively for Muslim families from through out the Globe.
Thanks to the Almighty Allah who has grant us an opportunity of Hajj, as on we have decided to start a journey to House of Allah Subhanaho-wata-Aala, we Start it from a Place called MIQAT where we have to Dress with a EHRAM then Start journey with Bismillah…
Complete description of Hajj and Umrah According to Sunnah to followed with the Steps Shown below..
Step 1:
step 2:
step 3:
Step 4:
step 5:
step 6:
Step 7:
step 8:
step 9: